Friday, 11 November 2011

Bargins and Beads

Its been a little while since my last post. Partly because I have been busy using my new oven as some friends wanted some of the dolly mixture and allsorts bracelets I had previously made.  I feel I have done enough sweetie beads for now, but I am really pleased that they liked them so much.

I finally got around to attempting another flower cane and though not perfect I felt I am a slowly getting a step closer to getting the hang of it. As they say, you learn from your mistakes so next time I know what I will do differently. One of the purple clays came out much darker than I thought it  would after baking, but I still quite like them.

As I have mentioned  I love to collect vintage china and pretty bits and bobs. a few weeks ago I went to a local auction and was excited to spot these fab vintage sherry glasses with a lot of china and glass, seeing some other bits that looked interesting I decided I had to try for them so for the first time ever bid and won at an auction.
I love them like this

But even more like this!

 But even better was spotting this.

Having seen the wonderful trollies  by Jane at  Teawagon Tales, I had to have it and I will try and follow her example and make a lovely vintage craft trolley. Thank you Jane for your advice.  I will get round to actually painting it one day.

I have also been trying to make some polymer xmas tags for friends at work ( I know they don't read this so it is safe to show them).  I have tried to emboss their names on the stars but they do not show very clearly. I Inked in one to make it stand out. 

One day I hope I can make beautiful things similar to the ceramic Snowflakes designed and made by Cathy at Potter Jotter, (for which you can enter her give away). she  makes absolutely gorgeous ceramics.

Well I will stop rambling on and hope you all have a lovely weekend xx


  1. Las etiquetas navideñas son muy bonitas, tambien las bolas y la flor. Besos

  2. Hi
    Lovely hostess trolley - fab for Christmas cocktails :)
    Thanks for leaving me a message on my blog - it's lovely to meet you. You're very clever x

  3. I love those purple beads and although making mistakes is a pain, it is a great way to learn. Loving that tea trolley too.
    Anne xx

  4. Hi Lorraine, Beautiful colours in your flower cane - I struggle too with flower canes - I always seem to squish the points of the flowers - it's all to do with the packing of the cane in translucent, apparently the better the packing the better the flower lol - still trying! Much prefer to do kaleidoscope canes - they are much more forgiving!! I adore your Christmas Pudding Tags - what a brilliant idea. Lucky Friends!
